Most suburbs in the country have beautiful neighborhoods with great looking family houses with gardens, garage doors and gates, which make people's lives easier. But, they also create extra needs for reinforced security. Modern front door locks and expensive alarm systems are absolutely necessary for your security but it would be better to keep intruders from entering the private zone of your premises. Gates are installed to offer greater security and ensure privacy but if they remain unlocked, intruders would find a way in minimizing the effectiveness of the complicated security systems. For this reason, good residential security planning should include all doors and start from the perimeter of the house moving its way in.
Everything is possible these days, especially when there is an abundance of locksmith products. Some homeowners are reluctant about extra lock installation to external doors, gates and entrances because it could be tiring locking and unlocking so many doors daily. This is true and your choice will also depend on your neighborhood and personal requirements. One thing is certain though: the more doors you lock, the safer you'll be.
• Don't forget that there are special security gate locks these days. The intercom system would allow you to move in and out without making your life hard and you can have better control of who is at your gate, too.
• Your garage door remote is excellent for your safety but an extra lock wouldn't hurt.
• Don't forget that the gate locks and security systems are exposed to elements and different temperatures and, therefore, lock repair would be needed often.
• Many old houses have an external entrance for the basement with ancient or very simple locks. As a result, lock open could be a piece of cake by even inexperienced thieves. Don't forget that regardless where the door is leading to, it must remain well locked. Anyway, all doors lead to your house.